1:1 Support

Life is good when you feel good ✨

1:1 support for nutrition, mindset, and slowing down


  • Improve your relationship with your body by listening to, prioritizing, and being kind to it

  • Eat intuitively according to your body’s natural wisdom

  • Learn tips for eating mindfully when traveling or socializing

  • Get portion guidelines for protein, fat, and carbs that support your energy and well-being

  • Create a menu of go-to meals with foods you love, so eating well is pleasurable and sustainable

  • Resolve nagging issues related to fatigue, anxiety, bloating, acne, autoimmune issues, and more

  • Learn tips for sleep that help regulate your hunger hormones and cortisol levels


  • Learn how to lead yourself through difficult times with grace and compassion

  • Find peace by shifting your perspective on challenging situations

  • Develop a healthy relationship with yourself by listening to and speaking kindly to yourself

  • Learn to value your inner knowing more than others’

  • Learn to meet your own needs rather than seeking them externally

  • Take steps forward by changing the thoughts and stories holding you back

  • Build confidence and trust in yourself through consistent habits


When we have a system to take care of our health and well-being, we have the energy and space to create.

This has been an incredible learning experience for me and I can’t thank you enough.

— Shakti G.

I’ve been struggling with my weight ALL my life and have tried EVERYTHING. This is WORKING.

— Jocelyn M.

Hi! I’m Kia.

I help people – from lawyers to fitness coaches, therapists to figure skaters – deepen their personal power & quality of life by making conscious choices for their physical, mental, and emotional health.

Over the past twelve years, I’ve explored and experienced the impact that nutrition, movement, and thinking habits can have on your physical health, emotional well-being, and relationship to yourself and others.

I want to offer the practical, confidence-building perspectives I wish I’d had in discovering how to feel light and sparkly, especially for those who are healing and want to explore more intuitive, easy ways of being.

I’m certified through Precision Nutrition and Working Against Gravity, both of which focus on nutritional physiology and behavioral psychology and blend the art and science of taking care of your wellbeing.


1:1 support for nutrition & mindset

Book Recs

Some favorites on mindset, health, healing, relationships, communication, business, creativity, and spirituality