Client Testimonials

nutrition & well-being coaching


“This has been an incredible learning experience for me and I can’t thank you enough.

I have a wellness coach at work as well and even she commented on how much I have learned about nutrition, sleep, cause/effect of food choices, etc since we met in January.

— Shakti G.

 “If you are needing help with your nutrition goals Kia is your girl! The process is so simple and tailored to YOU!

Beginning of May I started working with Kia on my nutrition. I was not happy with how I felt, how I saw myself, and let’s be honest how my clothes were fitting. As many of you know, quarantine was difficult for me with my depression. In order to dig myself out of that dark place I had to make some changes for my health. As fitness professionals we aren’t perfect, we struggle too. So I made the decision to hire Kia to be my nutrition coach for accountability. I am a firm believer of coaches need coaches. The process is so simple and tailored to YOU! Nutrition is not a one size fits all!!!

— Priscilla E.

 “I can’t believe that I look like this four and a half months after my second kid. I’m floored.

Totally honest here – I cried when I saw my progress pictures. I’ve had my head down trying to stay focused on doing the best for the day that I hadn’t picked my head up to see how far I’ve come.”

— Rachel V.

 Nutrition & well-being coaching

“Honestly, I don't think I could have done this without Kia coaching me through. I've come a really long way and I'm so proud of myself. I'm looking forward to what's to come.

After 27 years of unhealthy habits, constantly feeling run down and tired, and having low concentration - I decided to do my research and find a nutrition coach. After meeting Kia and hearing how passionate and educated she is in nutrition, I knew she was the perfect fit for me.

Our initial call I was really nervous...what if she judges I really need to come to terms with the fact that I eat pizza more times than I'd like to admit? I felt, and have felt since, totally safe and confident confiding in Kia about my nutrition. She focuses on the positive and has helped me build up my confidence in myself and my eating.

Since working with Kia (4 weeks) I've lost 13 pounds, I'm energised and I'm creating habits that I am sure will last long term.

Having the app allows me to connect with her any time I need advice or guidance, and she is always so quick to respond - I never feel like I need to do this alone.

I thought making this change would be really hard, but together we focus on weekly goals to help slowly build up to bigger changes, so everything feels manageable.”

— Jenna J.

“You have changed my life immeasurably, and have helped me make huge strides towards my goals.”

— Benji T.

“Kia does a great job of monitoring real results and making modifications when needed.”

— Shea P.

“Kia’s coaching was straightforward and effective.”

More often than not, she answered my questions before I could even ask them during our weekly discussions.

— Joel C.

“Kia has been super helpful and has been able to answer my millions of questions!

I like to dig deep and she did not let me down! I recommend her coaching to anyone who is ready to make a lifetime change in their diet and have a better relationship with food.

— Mayra M.

“Kia and I found that I had clinically low Vitamin D levels and that my sleep quality (along with my food choices) was greatly influencing my ability to lose weight, build muscle, and perform at my best. I would have never learned that on my own!

— Keely P.

“Kia went above and beyond in answering my questions and I got so much more out of it than just nutrition instruction.”

I've learned so much from her and I'm grateful for all the time she gave me!

A true leader (one who is worth following) is the one who has the determination to incorporate the principles they teach into their own lives. As the saying goes, they practice what they preach. After six weeks of seeing her in the gym and talking to her everyday, I can say without a doubt she is a woman worth following.

When you think you're working really hard on your nutrition and your gym goals, Kia is the one you look at to find the inspiration to push yourself harder. She's consistently digging deeper and working for excellence in everything she does.

The most beautiful thing about it is that she has a way of helping others pull that excellence out in themselves. Having her support and encouragement has changed my lifestyle in so many ways.

There are endless opinions on nutrition and fitness out there which makes it feel like you're caught in a whirlwind when you're trying to nail down your own routine. Kia has a wonderful way of simplifying things from day one and easing you into your own regimen.

— Jessica I.

“I’ve been struggling with my weight ALL my life and have tried EVERYTHING. This is WORKING <3”

and I’m so happy that we got connected and that we are working together. You are teaching me so much and helping me with being patient.

Overall I am SUPER happy, I feel amazing, my clothes are fitting way better, I’m even wearing some clothes I wasn’t able to put on before. Us working together has been so great and I’ve never felt this good about a meal plan/way of eating/nutrition in my entire life!

— J.M.

“I loved working with Kia. I learned that I was under-eating and Kia helped me feel comfortable adding in calories.

I am still working on seeing body composition changes, but I feel strong and have so much energy!

— Angela B.

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